
2 Days in San Diego

March 10, 2016

February is typically one of the tougher months to get through when living in Boise, ID.  It’s usually super cold, dark, and the valley can get blanketed with inversions for days at a time.  With some help from the Alaska Airlines credit card rewards program, we were able to say “eff that noise” and blow this Popsicle stand for a couple days.  For the cost of a tank of gas, we whisked ourselves away to sunny California where we spent 2 days in San Diego.

With risking you not reading the rest of this post, you can jump over to our previous post to see our step by step instructions on how to get a free flight on Alaska Airlines…which is how we were able to afford this trip.  Their latest offer includes a $100 statement credit which will wipe out the $75 annual fee the card has and leave you with $25 extra in credit to use.  We don’t get paid to promote this offer FYI.  I just genuinely think it’s a cool option to save on a quick trip.

Back to San Diego…

Lacey and I initially planned on going to a Rihanna concert while we were in San Diego, but found out at the last minute that the show was rescheduled for May.  Anyone wanna buy our tickets? 🙂  Once we wiped the concert off of our itinerary we realized that it was the ONLY thing on our itinerary.  This realization was followed up by a conversation that went something like this…

“So what should we do in San Diego now?” -Mat

“I’m down for whatever.  I’m not even sure what’s there.” – Lacey

“Wanna hang out in downtown on Friday and then the beach on Saturday?” – Mat

“Sounds good.” – Lacey

After this intense and lengthy conversation, our trip was planned.  I’m not kidding, that’s all that was said before we left.

We landed in San Diego on a Friday morning at 10am, got an early check in at our hotel (Hampton Inn), and were drinking Coronas while eating nachos at the Waterfront Bar and Grill by 11:15am.

Lacey and I immediately fell in love with San Diego.  Not only was the weather absolutely perfect (73 degrees with a very light breeze), but I personally just felt like I fit in right away.  The city is super casual.  All of the guys wear t-shirts, longer shorts, flat billed baseball hats, and have tattoos.  Sound familiar?  I love it when I can visit a new city and not worry about standing out like a dorky tourist.

The food options in San Diego are right up our alley as well.  There is a ton of delicious Italian food (check out Sorrento in Little Italy), as well as some of the best Mexican/American food you can get.  Lacey and I are both suckers for anything that comes in a tortilla.  We also drank some of the biggest/best margaritas of our lives at a place down by Mission Beach.  I wish we could remember the name of the place, but that again speaks to the fact that they were awesome margaritas.

Friday, we spent time cruzing around Little Italy and the Gas Lamp Quarter.  After a quick shower we hopped on an 8 minuted train to get to the Top of the Hyatt for dinner.  We’d definitely recommend you check this place out as the food and views from the 40th floor are great!

Saturday, we jumped on a train that took us to a large bus station that ultimately took us to Mission Beach (we spent $10 total on getting around San Diego during this trip).  Mission Beach is beautiful! There is a 3 mile oceanfront boardwalk that Lacey and I strolled around on for the first hour when we got there.  After working up a thirst, we stopped in the Lahaina Beach House for a couple drinks.  The place has a really cool view of the boardwalk allowing us to continue with some great people watching.  We walked around a bit more, had some margaritas, got some delicious ice cream, and then headed back to our hotel.  After another quick shower, we finished up our San Diego trip with a delicious dinner in Little Italy.

While our visit was super brief, we both fell in love with the food, weather, and overall vibe of San Diego.  I’m not sure why everyone in the world isn’t trying to move there in all honesty.

Let us know if you’ve ever been to SD and have additional spots we should check out the next time we visit!

If you haven’t been yet…go!

 Flight to San Diego

neck pillow…don’t get on a plane without it!

San Diego Airport

Little Italy San Diego

2 days in San Diego

Gas Lamp San Diego

Gas Lamp San Diego

Top of the Roof Hyatt San Diego

Top of the Roof Hyatt San Diego

Lacey Hyatt San Diego

Hyatt food San Diego

Jason DeRullo San Diego Hilton

Jason Derullo surprise concert at the Hilton San Diego

PetCo Park San Diego

Continental Breakfast Hampton Inn San Diego

San Diego Bus

bus ride to Mission Beach

Mission Beach San Diego

Mission Beach San Diego

one of the oldest wood roller coasters is at Mission Beach

Mission Beach

Lahaina Beach House

Giant Margarita

Giant Margarita San Diego

Mission beach San Diego

waiting for the bus at Mission Beach


Result of Lacey trying to break in a new pair of shoes

Ice Cream Mission Beach

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