Tips Travel

Easy Way to Fix your Pics!

July 15, 2017

There’s nothing worse than spending a ton of time and money traveling to a beautiful place only to realize the pictures you took are absolute garbage.  One of the best parts of traveling is being able to take home amazing memories.  An easy way to access those memories is with photos.  You don’t want to look back at your photos 10 years from now and think “I swear that place was prettier than that.”  Thankfully there is an easy way to fix your pics.

While Lacey and I are by no means professional photo editors, we have found a quick and easy solution to fixing some of the god awful pics we take.  We use a free (yes, free!) photo editing software called the Nik Collection, by Google.  As always, a reminder that we don’t get paid to promote anything; we just honestly love this editing software.

While there is literally an entire ‘collection’ of free Google photo editing software you can download here, the product we end up using the most is the Color Efex Pro.  Within Color Efex Pro, we typically only use 2 of the editing options – Darken/Lighten Center and Brilliance/Warmth.  These 2 settings make it easy to brighten up dark sections of your photos and also make the colors pop.  These are the only 2 settings we used to fix the picture below.

I know many of you could make this pic look even better, but we’re pretty satisfied by being able to make the terrible original pic look halfway decent.  At least you can see our faces now!  This pic was actually take a few hours before I proposed so it means a lot to me to be able to brighten up this one.  Thanks Googs!

Easy way to Fix your Pics

Let us know if you give the Nik Collection a shot!  Send us some examples of the pics you edited.

Good luck with your edits!


Below are a handful of pics from our engagement trip to Italy from a few years back.  Both our camera and our picture taking skills were awful at the time, but we were able to salvage most of the pics with the Nik Collection.  Take my word for it, before I edited the pics below, they were borderline unusable.



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